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by 东航卡帕 Content Creator
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我在西班牙最喜欢的一日游之一是去美丽的阿拉塞纳市. 这个城市距离塞维利亚大约1小时15分钟的车程(乘坐公共汽车很方便). When you arrive in Aracena, 你周围到处都是白色的房子,屋顶贴着红色的西班牙瓷砖. 在这个小镇上, you will find that it’s hard to find anyone who speaks English, so it’s a perfect city to really practice your Spanish. 这座城市以山顶上的城堡而闻名,这座城堡名为Cerro del Castillo(城堡山),你可以爬上山顶游览. 一旦你到达山顶,你就能看到下面整个阿拉塞纳镇的美景! I highly recommend walking all the way to the top; you won’t regret it.


阿拉塞纳另一个令人惊叹的景点是Gruta de Maravillas洞穴(如下图). 洞穴就在城堡所在的山脚下. 这是西班牙最壮观的景点之一,也是在阿拉塞纳度过时光的好方法. After a day of sightseeing, 我和朋友们去市中心不同的当地小吃餐厅点了餐 伊比利亚火腿, which is famous in Aracena. 说到 安达卢 (ham), there is a museum in town dedicated solely to 安达卢! 有 伊比利亚火腿 和朋友们在阿拉塞纳度过的时光是我在西班牙最美好的回忆之一,也是一次完美的一日游!

悉尼 Schwaller is a CEA 校友大使 who studied abroad in 塞维利亚, 西班牙, during the Spring 2020 semester. She is currently a student at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.



想象自己置身于毕加索的故乡,漫步在马拉加迷人的街道上. 这是迄今为止我在西班牙格拉纳达留学期间最喜欢的一日游. 我和朋友们自发地决定在前一天晚上买车票, and it turned out to be the perfect adventure. 第一个, we ended up hiking to the Alcazaba and the Castillo de Gibralfaro; the Alcazaba is a large Moorish fortress full of interesting history and an amazing view of the city. We also saw the ruins of the Roman Theatre. By this time, we were already exhausted and decided to eat delicious bocadillos at a local restaurant for lunch. 在下午, 我们在毕加索博物馆呆了一个多小时,了解了他的生活和他创作的许多有趣而著名的艺术作品. After taking in so much excitement and history that day, 我们在海滩上晒成古铜色,看着这座城市发生的一切展现在我们面前. 还有很多其他景点,我们没有时间去看,包括马拉加大教堂. 然而, it was an unforgettable experience, and I am so thankful that studying abroad allows for so much spontaneity. 在格拉纳达也有很多其他的机会去当地旅行, whether you walk up to the Mirador San Nicolas, take a 公共汽车 to the beach in Nerja, or take a hike in the beautiful Alpujarras. 在西班牙安达卢西亚,无论远近,总有一场冒险在等着你.

Ashley Cialone is a CEA 校友大使 who studied abroad in 格拉纳达, 西班牙, during the Summer 2019 term. She is currently a student at Colorado State University.

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 El Castillo de Gibralfaro,可以看到城市和地中海的美景


赫罗纳是一座美丽的城市,有着悠久的历史,距离巴塞罗那只有一个多小时的车程, 公共汽车, 或火车. 这里有许多值得一日游的景点, 但在这座历史悠久的城市里,绝对有足够的事情可以做,度过一个周末, 或者几天. 这座城市最引人注目的地标之一是赫罗纳大教堂. 这座大教堂坐落在一个长长的楼梯上,从城市的任何地方都可以看到. It features beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture, like many of the historic cathedrals located in and around 巴塞罗那. 另外, 赫罗纳大教堂, along with various other sites in Girona, has been featured in the popular TV show, 权力的游戏.


赫罗纳另一个引人注目的建筑壮举是埃菲尔大桥. 这座人行天桥横跨赫罗纳市为数不多的几条河流之一, offering a great view of parts of the skyline, 包括大教堂, and awesome reflections of the colorful buildings on the water’s edge.


As if that wasn’t enough, 赫罗纳的Muralles, 或者赫罗纳的城墙, is a medieval wall which runs throughout the city. 在墙上, 有大约2英里(3公里)长的人行道,可以欣赏到城市本身和周围乡村的壮观景色. 我发现这座城市最有趣的事情之一是加泰罗尼亚人的骄傲. 在赫罗纳大街上,黄丝带和加泰罗尼亚旗帜随处可见. 赫罗纳一日游, 非常愉快, charming city north of 巴塞罗那, is an adventure worth embarking on!

Scott Budkofsky是在巴塞罗那留学的CEA校友大使, 西班牙, during the Spring 2020 semester. He is currently a student at Indiana University - Bloomington.


在完成为期三周的西班牙语强化课程后,我在格拉纳达的伦瓜斯现代中心学习, 西班牙, CEA took my classmates and me on a trip to Córdoba in late January. 我记得早上从格拉纳达乘公共汽车旅行,大约花了三个小时. Córdoba was a quaint, beautiful city. When we arrived in 西班牙科尔多瓦, we crossed a long beautiful bridge which led us to our first stop, Córdoba清真寺. We were given the choice to follow along the tour in English or Spanish. 我带着一个小耳机,用西班牙语跟在后面,了解了这座后来被改建为基督教大教堂的美丽清真寺的建筑. 这座教堂既有天主教堂的特点,又有清真寺的特点,设计令人印象深刻.


参观完梅兹基塔后,我们沿着Córdoba一条著名的街道散步,叫做Calle de las Flores. The street is narrow and full of potholders with blooming flowers. After the trip down Calle de las Flores, we were given a couple hours of free time, whether we wanted to eat lunch, explore more of the city, 或者只是晒晒太阳.


My friends and I ate the lunches our host mother’s packed for us, 买了些冰淇淋, and decided to explore more of Córdoba. 我们发现了整齐的小街道,鲜艳的油漆和一个小广场,有更多的鲜花. I will always remember this as one of my favorite days in 西班牙. 我喜欢学习更多关于西班牙的历史,喜欢独自探索西班牙的城市.


Mackenzie Brady is a CEA 校友大使 woh studied abroad in 格拉纳达, 西班牙, during the Spring 2020 semester. She is currently a student at Illinois State University.

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